HINDLABS Diagnostic Centre


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Total Labs

Covering 3500 Hospitals, Reaching over 30000 Medical professionals
HLL brands today reach more than 115 countries
700 frontline team members in every town in all metros & mini metros

Welcome To Hind Labs

‘HINDLABS’ Diagnostic Centre is a Brand of HLL Lifecare Limited (HLL) a public sector company under the administrative control of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.
HLL’s large marketing network has been delighting its customers over the last two decades. Servicing 200000 retail outlets, covering 3500 hospitals, reaching over 30000 medical professionals, it has over 2800 stock points, 700 frontline team members placed in every town, with offices in all metros and mini metros, and reaches over 400000 villages in India. HLL is also one of the leading social marketing organizations in the country in the area of contraceptives - with a market share of over 70 percent in the rural and semi-urban markets. On the global front, HLL brands today reach more than 115 countries.


HINDLABS Diagnostic Centre is a Brand of HLL Lifecare Limited (HLL) a public sector company under the administrative control of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India.

The Healthcare Services Division of HLL provides Medical Diagnostic Services (Laboratory and Imaging) and other facilities like Wellness Clinic/Polyclinic.

‘HINDLABS’ first center in association with CGHS started functioning since February 2008 in New Delhi. The Healthcare Services Division (HCS) of HLL is planning to setup Diagnostic Services in various states across India.

Welcome To Hind Labs

‘Since 2009, HLL has established itself as a reliable brand in the field of quality diagnostic services at affordable cost through its diagnostic services division ‘HINDLABS’. The company has proven expertise in delivering quality and customer-friendly diagnostic services.

‘HINDLABS’ has already established lab network in the State of Maharashtra, Assam, Karnataka for various state government projects.

‘HINDLABS’ have one of the best infrastructure in place with best of the imported machines for diagnostic tests.

‘HINDLABS’ have 125 established Labs in Maharashtra with around 5000 employees working with us for Lab operation as well as Phlebotomist for blood collection.

HINDLABS’ are Currently covering health centers in each and every District, Taluka & Gram-Panchayat of Maharashtra.

‘HINDLABS’ are providing Pathology Diagnostic service in Maharashtra to 30000+ patients per day & doing 60000+ Tests per day are being done, growing by 10 % every month.

‘HINDLABS’ with strength of “Better coverage & one of the best quality of Diagnostic Services” at each & every City + Village of Maharashtra We are now exploring the benefit to Private market by providing quality service at affordable cost.

For more details log In to- www.lifecarehll.com

Blood Test